The loss of Columbia
and her crew touches the depth of my soul.
Having lived and worked among these individuals makes this
loss even harder to put thoughts into the written word. The
events leading up to this tragic loss is not what will be
written here. While very important, that topic will be left
up to the experts and NASA to resolve. What I am here to say
runs deep in the fabric of our society but is so seldom
talked about. What is a real hero? I think we
need to look no further to find an example of true heroes
all around us.
A true hero is someone that
searches for a bigger meaning than the word "I", someone that
shares a vision and is willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to
further that vision. Someone who never quits.
For centuries man has
lost brave individuals that have ridden on the wings of that
noble principal. The selfless, the determined, the
committed, the brave. They may start out as everyday people
but the fire inside their hearts brings out the best that
man has to offer in heroes. They strive everyday to make a
difference. One day at a time. One step at a time. One smile
at a time.
They wake up each morning
just like the rest of us, but that is where the similarities seem
to end. They do not bound off in search of wealth and riches but
choose to pursue the quest of helping the greater good of mankind.
What makes them this way? What motivates them? Only they and God
know for sure. What I do know is, they are my heroes. They lead by
example. Their lives are a testament to greatness we are all
capable of. That greatness lives in all of us if we have the
strength to overcome our weaknesses and our darkest fears. Heroes
still exist in a world that praises the rich and frowns on the
poor. It knows no boundaries and always rises to the occasion, no
matter what is required.
Will you be the next
example of strength and courage? Do you dare look beyond
yourself? Look at these 7 that did just that and remember
there is a hero in all of us if only we dare let it come