With our election on the horizon, we are faced with some unique realities.
1) Our elected leaders do not have the skills to sit down as a team player to solve problems. They have had to switch their focus to fund raising and media sound bits.
2) Anyone who watches any US news can clearly see we have a gun problem. How can we pretend that a promise turned into a nightmare does not need some serious attention.
3) When your fellow country man or woman is no longer considered to be a friend, we have lost what made us great. The ability to work together and create something that is bigger than ourselves alone.
4) Saying you are great does not make you great. IF that were so PONZI would have become President.
5) Can we as a nation find civility and honest debate without selfish drama and disregard for other human beings?
If we do not gain control of our irrational behavior and focus on the big picture, which is our future. Then we will probably end up like the Roman Empire, Extinct.
A true American original.
Anyone who starts a conversation in politics or leadership with either race or gender has not evolved enough to be taken seriously by any clear thinking American. That cave man mentality is a flat tire in our nations progress or worse. Why would anyone restrain our potential, using self made labels, to limit the talent pool that makes America Great? The boogieman is around the corner and is a dark person is no longer a given. We need all the brain power we can muster to compete, because Smartest People Wins in the real global world. We are competing in reality for the jobs of the present and future. Most of us are simply rowers (AKA Taxpayers or Suckers) in a huge boat so a handful of people can live a very cushy life. Our minds have to remain focused on tangible facts and people like Frederick McKinley Jones or Patricia Era Bath by today’s standards could be digitally tar and feathered then run out of town. Who is Frederick McKinley Jones and Patricia Era Bath? Both were not white. Frederick McKinley Jones invented the refrigerated truck. No telling how many stomachs avoided being pumped with that produce saving device. Patricia Era Bath invented the Laserphaco Probe and restored eyesight to millions. People around the globe may not know her name, but she gave us a gift for all humanity.
Which brings me to my next point- TRUTH. As my grandfather would say when confronted with two sets of FACTS- "If everyone is telling the truth, then someone is a liar." Plain and simple.
Our leader's shoe size or sexual orientation is just a distraction to our quest. It takes honest and steady leadership to keep our nation out of the countless ditches and ambushes we face. Since we no longer have the ability to spot fake ID’s (George Santos) in our politicians, then maybe we should always remember, The Truth Matters.
Go think. Don't be a sucker. Do your homework.
God Bless America
Are you willing to make a real difference?
Whether you like Don John or not, if he (or the bullet) was a millimeter over our nation would be totally dysfunctional for the next two generations, if not in a civil war.
With the immense power of twisted rumors and complex conspiracies that manage to survive, no matter what, our nation would explode with hate and negativity beyond imagination. President Trump getting his head blown off would only reinforce the ignorance that comes with speech. Remember the saying "Sticks and Stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me."
Evidentially that is not true.
Why else would a kid be willing to give up his life to kill someone he does not even know? Plus if 20 year olds were surveyed about blowing up their car you would get a clear, Never.
Maybe their step-father's car but not theirs.
Words can hurt. Words can destroy. Words are the most powerful tool known to man,
But without protecting the right to speak, we would have only one voice to listen to and everyone can understand that pit.
Freedom of Speech either exists for all of us or none of us.
That right is way beyond the cornerstone of freedom.
Go think. It might be contagious.
A true American original.
A true American original.
With our country so divided, who is going to lead the effort to put the United back into United States?
Is it even possible?
We can't even get a handle on our carbon footprint, plastic pollution and the slow disappearance of drinkable water much less being civil to one another.
Billionaires taking joy rides to outer space and millionaires travel the globe on their private flying palaces. The line in the sand moves often, depending on how much money you have or can even be totally erased if you have the Presidential Magic Wand.
This "I want to save the planet" but we have to do it Tuesday because I'm taking my jet to Maui for the weekend" attitude is not going to get the job done. There is no Planet B we can go to until "they" get it fixed. We are the last line of defense.
RaiseAVoiceHearItEcho.com is a anthem to raise up our collective voices and be heard. Join your voice to ours.
Are you willing to make a real difference?
Americas Favorite News and Americas Favorite TV is a select combination of information, art, music and science rolled up in a easy to understand format. For the people, by the people is our motto and we are not beholden to anyone since we do not take outside money to voice our opinions.
Thank you for taking a moment to think about other perspectives on our crazy and sometimes insane world.
Paul Daniels