Can science compete with wish lists and flying reindeer?
If fat or skinny men could crawl down your chimney, Ring would have a camera for it. What about the millions without a chimney or a home. They were busy waiting for Santa Claus forever and when their education failed them they simply fell out of sight, except to buy a lottery ticket.
The spirit of Christmas flew right by them. Didn't wave or honk the horn.
You won't find any BBQ fundraisers by a politician in the homeless camps or under the bridges. The spirit of Christmas does not need a special day or time to be applied in your real world. Starvation and homelessness is global.
The spirit of science and math is what we are losing in America.
Lying to our children will not help that problem.
The spirit of compassion and tolerance left the planet years ago.
Who in the world has the divine wisdom to say what the perfect human should look and act like?
Remember. Someone once told you reindeer could fly and you believed it.
The weather men and women still do. I saw it on their radar.
Remember this: United We Stand Divided We Fall.
Paul Daniels
I had to catch my brain flying out the window when I heard Lionel Richie and Eminem were inducted into the Rock and Roll hall of fame at the same time! Don't get me wrong, Eminem is a great entertainer, but Lionel Richie has been knocking music homeruns totally out of the park before Eminem was born. So we want to take this moment to apologize to Lionel, for America being so prejudice and this hall of fame induction just further proves the point that black entertainers have felt over time.
Lionel you are one of the greatest American treasures to ever live.
We thank you for Being You.
In case anyone did not get the memo from Mother Earth recently, let me do the math for you. Hotter ground temperatures result in more moisture taken into the air and we all know what goes up must come down. In our current world, unfortunately, it comes back as a Rain Bomb. We can spend the next ten years debating Climate ( NOTE: first film to sound the alarm was in 1982 - see it here for free) but in the meantime what are we going to do about rising sea levels and destructive weather patterns. This is going to be like musical chairs except the seat is for safe housing and sustainable lifestyles. Not everyone is going to be happy with the outcome to say the least. We are all vulnerable to tornadoes, extreme heat and flooding. Supply chain disruptions and a host of other realities are just the tip of this self created problem, what are we waiting for?
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With our country so divided, who is going to lead the effort to put the United back into United States?
Is it even possible?
We can't even get a handle on our carbon footprint, plastic pollution and the slow disappearance of drinkable water much less being civil to one another.
Billionaires taking joy rides to outer space and millionaires travel the globe on their private flying palaces. The line in the sand moves often, depending on how much money you have or can even be totally erased if you have the Presidential Magic Wand.
This "I want to save the planet" but we have to do it Tuesday because I'm taking my jet to Maui for the weekend" attitude is not going to get the job done. There is no Planet B we can go to until "they" get it fixed. We are the last line of defense. is a anthem to raise up our collective voices and be heard. Join your voice to ours.
Are you willing to make a real difference?
Americas Favorite News and Americas Favorite TV is a select combination of information, art, music and science rolled up in a easy to understand format. For the people, by the people is our motto and we are not beholden to anyone since we do not take outside money to voice our opinions.
Thank you for taking a moment to think about other perspectives on our crazy and sometimes insane world.
Paul Daniels