In Elon We Trust

In Elon We Trust
All Others Pay Cash
What is The Next World Order?

Do you remember the Billionaire Boys Club?
The club has grown in size and is now like pac-man slowly eating their way across the global business landscape. Take Bezos for example, he envisioned a bookstore for the future, sounds simple enough. His slow to adapt hundred year old competition is taking their final death knell now. Remember DreamTime at NASA, Johnson Space Center, the book shop owner looked out of place at the JSC press party. Now he owns a rocket as good as any NASA may have.
Elon Musk was smart enough to know that the US had a standard of living and mega opportunities and bent a few rules to make his place at the table. Now he owns the table.
A friend of mine once interviewed Queen Beatrice, the richest woman in the world, at the time. During their conversation she confessed that extreme wealth is a very lonely place. She found out that she no longer knew who was sincere and who were the “scallywags.” You’re innocence gets “exiled far away.”
I wonder how the Billionaire Boys Club feels about trust versus ass kissing today?
The digital heartbeat is creating The Next World Order. Efficiency is a byproduct of this World. Software takes boring and countless tasks off the table. We call our Quantum helper, Henry. Henry works 24x7, legally and never asks for a pay raise or his birthday off. He is always the employee of the year. He can spin exotic tales better than a Kirby vacuum cleaner salesman any day of the week. He is the ultimate chameleon; Shakespeare would be proud.
What does that mean for the jobs of the future? Not everyone can be in the Army or Space Force! Long haul trucker drivers are predicted to be almost obsolete in 5 years. Robots are flipping hamburgers and building cars. Having a paper route is no longer an option.
If you have not yet done this, I recommend sitting down and researching where the future is headed. Health care, global warming, clean energy, drinkable water, plenty of fascinating possibilities, but you have to jump off The New World Order and onto The Next World Order. Missing this train will have everlasting consequences for you and your family for generations.
God Save The Queen.
(That is a trick slogan. The United States has never had a queen up until 2017 when RuPaul arrived - then everything changed.)

In Elon We Trust.

Limited Edition Collector Shirts.

In Musk We Trust
In Elon We Trust. All others pay cash/
In Elon We Trust. All others pay cash.
In Elon We Trust. All others pay cash.

What makes us great

American producer, songwriter and musical magician.

Quincy Jones

A true American original.

Type Text

Paul Daniels
Quincy Jones

What makes us great

The election is over.

Can we put out the fires and unite as a Nation?

The true test of a nation that has passed the point of no return, on its journey to the Next World Order, is to determine if we are going to continue The Hatfield & McCoy feuding mentality, or work as some sort of organized team. Team, as in Team America.
I hope we can all realize that we are at war for the jobs of the future. Tough love is headed for our trading partners, but business is business, and our children's future depends on it. Not all of us can work for non-profits or the government. At some point we have to realize that our jobs were exported to places that have less rules and regulations, not to mention social security payroll taxes, health care, clean water and so on. Now we are 30 trillion or so in debt.
When Obama turned over the keys to the internet for the world to enjoy/share, he just brought the competition directly into our backyards. No longer did you need a brick and mortar in the neighborhood or even the country to sell your wares, effectively. We Americans are price whores, and we flocked to a cheaper source, at the cost of our neighbor’s job.
Our nation is like a five-star hotel compared to most. That quality of life depends on the future of decent paying jobs. You can’t even depend on flipping burgers in the near future as a means of employment. So, we need an effective strategy and pray it produces results, because a large portion of the global economy is going to take a beating. We didn’t cut the Native Americans any slack so why would we do that for China or India?
This is a call for all good citizens to come to the aide of their country. I challenge you to stand up for our country’s future and look for the label MADE IN THE USA. If we don’t make it, you might not need it.
God bless our country. 

What makes us great

American actor, singer, songwriter.

Kris Kristofferson

A true American original.

Type Text

Paul Daniels
Kris Kristofferson

Citizens should ask.

Voting is a sacred privilege protected over the years by immense sacrifice and suffering. Not voting dishonors every soldier, cop, civil rights activist, fireman and maybe Betsy Ross herself by not voting.

It is the only true voice of the people. It takes a United voice to make progress or change. Most of us are in the same boat. Some have paddles, most do not. The importance of us working on a common goal is more important than ever, with our growing population.

It takes a nation to pull a wagon as big as the USA. Everyone that enjoys the benefits of our great country has a duty to their countrymen and women to help pull our wagon.
At least stand up and be counted for something besides greed and ignorance.

If we do not speak truth to power then it is only a matter of time until we forfeit our right to choose. If we set a standard of misinformation and deceit then the next generation will see the hypocrisy of our actions and words. They will have no understanding of truth or liberty and justice for all.

Thought of the day.

Every time you pass a cemetery, chances are someone is buried there that had a less than perfect life. In fact some cemeteries are filled with heroic patriots that made a difference in the world we enjoy and live in today.
Taking a moment to cast your vote for who is going to steer our country, Good. Bad or Ugly, is the obligation you have to our nation, as imperfect as it may be. What would you say to our fellow country men/women who gave their life for our freedoms and you won't honor their memory by voting for something, hopefully bigger than yourself.

If you do not vote then you really have no right to complain.
Think. Then Vote because Voting is for Lovers.
The Lover of  Freedom
The Lover of Choice.
The Lover of Democracy.   

What makes us great

American actor and the voice of Dark Vader.

James Earl Jones

A true American original.

Type Text

Paul Daniels
James Earl Jones

Can America Survive?

With our nation divided and no one is willing to bend, are we headed for some real tragic outcomes.

With our election on the horizon, we are faced with some unique realities.
1) Our elected leaders do not have the skills to sit down as a team player to solve problems. They have had to switch their focus to fund raising and media sound bits.
2) Anyone who watches any US news can clearly see we have a gun problem. How can we pretend that a promise turned into a nightmare does not need some serious attention.
3) When your fellow country man or woman is no longer considered to be a friend, we have lost what made us great. The ability to work together and create something that is bigger than ourselves alone.
4) Saying you are great does not make you great. IF that were so PONZI would have become President.
5) Can we as a nation find civility and honest debate without selfish drama and disregard for other human beings? 
If we do not gain control of our irrational behavior and focus on the big picture, which is our future. Then we will probably end up like the Roman Empire, Extinct.                

What makes us great

Talk Show Pioneer and America's Soul Searching Communicator.

Phil Donahue

A true American original.

Phil Donahue

FACT: Using a Vanity Keyword Domain can double your traffic.

Past Topics

Until we can address the elephant in the room, we are at a standstill with our Nation's Future. 



Voting Is For Lovers

Confronting our ignorance and prejudices.

Advancing our national interest.

Anyone who starts a conversation in politics or leadership with either race or gender has not evolved enough to be taken seriously by any clear thinking American. That cave man mentality is a flat tire in our nations progress or worse. Why would anyone restrain our potential, using self made labels, to limit the talent pool that makes America Great? The boogieman is around the corner and is a dark person is no longer a given. We need all the brain power we can muster to compete, because Smartest People Wins in the real global world. We are competing in reality for the jobs of the present and future. Most of us are simply rowers (AKA Taxpayers or Suckers) in a huge boat so a handful of people can live a very cushy life. Our minds have to remain focused on tangible facts and people like Frederick McKinley Jones or Patricia Era Bath by today’s standards could be digitally tar and feathered then run out of town. Who is Frederick McKinley Jones and Patricia Era Bath? Both were not white. Frederick McKinley Jones invented the refrigerated truck. No telling how many stomachs avoided being pumped with that produce saving device. Patricia Era Bath invented the Laserphaco Probe and restored eyesight to millions. People around the globe may not know her name, but she gave us a gift for all humanity.
Which brings me to my next point- TRUTH. As my grandfather would say when confronted with two sets of FACTS- "If everyone is telling the truth, then someone is a liar." Plain and simple.
Our leader's shoe size or sexual orientation is just a distraction to our quest. It takes honest and steady leadership to keep our nation out of the countless ditches and ambushes we face. Since we no longer have the ability to spot fake ID’s (George Santos) in our politicians, then maybe we should always remember, The Truth Matters.
Go think. Don't be a sucker. Do your homework.
God Bless America 

Paul Daniels

We need leaders.

Dreamers and thinkers.
Willing to speak freely
and honestly if possible.
Someone who can lead a digitally confused nation with intelligence, wisdom and a real allegiance to our country.

God Bless America
The Home of the Free


Ignorance Is Always A Tragedy.

What makes us great

American Communicator and Business Trumpet.

Lou Dobbs

A true American original.

Lou Dobbs

Follow the leader?

Our be the leader?

I think the greatest danger to our democracy is, we have bred the creativity out of our future generations. We set conditions and created rewards that made them excellent parrots but robbed them of their critical thinking skills. We taught them follow the leader instead of be a leader.
We fed them a diet of violence from cartoons to the evening news and then were surprised at how cheap life can become. FAST. When we think a hungry coyote, chasing a roadrunner being slammed by a boulder is amusing, then we have to step back and look ourselves in the mirror and ask the tough questions.
Society has gone to great lengths to invent tests that tell us how smart we are, or not. Yet, we can't explain how to create the spark inside someone's life called inspiration. The single most important thing to have growing up. 
Inspiration is an amazingly powerful energy that can open doors and turn keys yet to be discovered.
When are we as Americans going to inspire again?

Paul Daniels


Ignorance Is Always A Tragedy.

What makes us great

Those that came before us to form a more perfect union.

Americas Veterans

Our Veterans


Let it rip.

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Go Think

With our country so divided, who is going to lead the effort to put the United back into United States?
Is it even possible?
We can't even get a handle on our carbon footprint, plastic pollution and the slow disappearance of drinkable water much less being civil to one another.

Billionaires taking joy rides to outer space and millionaires travel the globe on their private flying palaces. The line in the sand moves often, depending on how much money you have or can even be totally erased if you have the Presidential Magic Wand. 
This "I want to save the planet" but we have to do it Tuesday because I'm taking my jet to Maui for the weekend" attitude is not going to get the job done. There is no Planet B we can go to until "they" get it fixed. We are the last line of defense. is a anthem to raise up our collective voices and be heard. Join your voice to ours.

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Thank you for taking a moment to think about other perspectives on our crazy and sometimes insane world.

Paul Daniels

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