For the love
of country?

Why do we spend BILLIONS of dollars to send 535 people to Washington work at "The Peoples House." They all raised their right hand and swore they are American patriots. They ran and won a seat on the board of directors for the United States of America Citizens. To me that is an incredible responsibility that hundreds of millions of us depend on. When smart "Patriots" fail at their job, we the people suffer. Plain and simple. When these Patriots turn our nations business into the dictionary example of dysfunctional and then try and convince us they are hard at work. That is a laughable insult to our intelligence, unless you have a 2Kilo bar of gold in a trench coat in your closet.
Civil discussions and team work is not in their tool chests. They brought the wrong tools because they applied for the job on Team America. The Peoples Team. This is a team where balls and strikes turn into higher food prices, predatory lending, and environmental pollution. If you are going to grab our nations steering wheel, then you had better take this serious before The People give up on the concept that smart people will find a way.
You have to wonder if they are all vying for this years Idiot Of The Year Award? So many contenders to choose from. for more info.

Paul Daniels


Ignorance Is Always A Tragedy.

What makes us great

American actor and funny man.

Dabney Coleman

A true American original.

Made In The USA
Dabney Coleman

FACT: Using a Vanity Keyword Domain can double your traffic.

The Dwight D. Opperman Foundation announced that Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch, Martha Stewart, Michael Milken and Sylvester Stallone would be the 2024 recipients of the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award which, until now, was called the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Woman of Leadership Award and dedicated to women of distinction.
I think everyone on that current list is a billionaire except Stallone and he has a bunch of daughters so we understand why he is less wealthy.
How can we take a national treasure and her lifetime achievements and turn it into a carnival act. Do you think Musk needs a bigger award than the US Space business or a pat on the back for recycling launch cylinders.
Stealing RGB's legacy in broad daylight is impressive.
I can imagine in my mind, her eyes lit up as she heard the people going to bear her moniker. It's extremely funny and sad in the same breath.
Maybe we should go erase George Washington's ponytail in protest.
Why can't we be proud of our over achievers and let their shadow fall where they traveled.

I'm not going to be cocky and tell you who to vote for or to even vote.
I am going to tell you to THINK.
That's what makes America Great, the power of our collective thoughts.

Paul Daniels


Ignorance Is Always A Tragedy.

What makes us great

American thinker, judge, and gender equality advocate.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

A true American original.

Made In The USA
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Benjamin Netanyahu


What do these men have in common?

What do these men

have in common?

They have in their complete control, the ability to changes lives forever.
That is a power few can imagine, much less boast about, but these 4 men can. If they could somehow overcome their weakness and BECOME human for just a day, they would see the tragedy set in motion by their direct actions. A tidal wave of sorrow and poverty for generations to come.
The ripples of hatred  blazing across the planet is bringing suffering to unimaginable levels. We are creating our own plague. 
The powerful 4 must always be wondering if karma in the future would hate their children enough to harm them as some sort of spiritual payback.

I was glad to see Israel sold $8B in(war) bonds to pay for their own war in Gaza. At least Congress got one thing right. We should never tax our citizens to pay for a total annihilation of a group of people. Make them pay for their own bombs and bullets. We have enough blood on our hands from the Native American decimation in our own country to be part of something so ruthless again. I understand the rock and the hard place. Which came first the chicken or the egg and why did the chicken cross the road. Gaza and Ukraine has raised a new level of real concern if humanity can survive our self induced plague.

I'm not going to be cocky and tell you who to vote for or to even vote.
I am going to tell you to THINK.
As I've said in the past. Bombing Children Is Wrong.

Paul Daniels


War Is Always A Tragedy.

Not all tax cheats are created equal

Go Think

This is a blunt reminder what US citizens are seeing over and over. Wesley Snipes got jail time for tax dodging and our highest judicial court wants us to believe the law experts did not know a Hundred Thousand Dollar gift is taxable. You win a vacation on Let's Make A Deal and Uncle Sam wants his cut. It is a difficult sell to people under 40 that the system is not fixed, like a crooked roulette wheel with the USA brand stamped all over it. Gives made in America a whole new meaning.
With the advent of the internet it gets optically impossible to deliver bull shit to the younger Americans who have seen it all, both fake and real. Starting with the public flogging of Bill Clinton that Congress affirmed a blow job was not sex. Over and over we are teaching the leaders of tomorrow that cutting corners and lying is just a means to the end. The sad reality is that you can run a public illusion and get elected to congress. Humans in America have been tarred, feathered and run out of town for far less.
Raising your hand on a stack of bibles does not mean anything anymore after the thousands of priest caught molesting children. Nothing is sacred for sure. 
I think a roman once said 'ultimate power creates ultimate corruption". How many get out of jail free cards are out there and how do you get one? How many times can someone plead ignorance and be the top scholar on US Law.
Stop wondering why the youth of our country have little or no respect for "The Law" because we rub their face in the injustice of the system. Then we ask "Would you like to supersize that?"
The most amazing part of this experiment called America is that somebody loaned us 33 Trillion dollars. Who would loan that much money to a dysfunctional group like us. That translates into $99,000.00 per every citizen, man woman and child.

Unless we can find leaders that are for real and really fast we may end up like the Romans or worse when our youth thinks the Court, Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus are from the same book.

Paul Daniels


Stupid is another word for stupidiest


Let it rip.

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Go Think

With our country so divided, who is going to lead the effort to put the United back into United States?
Is it even possible?
We can't even get a handle on our carbon footprint, plastic pollution and the slow disappearance of drinkable water much less being civil to one another.

Billionaires taking joy rides to outer space and millionaires travel the globe on their private flying palaces. The line in the sand moves often, depending on how much money you have or can even be totally erased if you have the Presidential Magic Wand. 
This "I want to save the planet" but we have to do it Tuesday because I'm taking my jet to Maui for the weekend" attitude is not going to get the job done. There is no Planet B we can go to until "they" get it fixed. We are the last line of defense. is a anthem to raise up our collective voices and be heard. Join your voice to ours.

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Thank you for taking a moment to think about other perspectives on our crazy and sometimes insane world.

Paul Daniels

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